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Who We Are

We’re a team of seasoned professionals who help boost marketing effectiveness through the use of compelling stories.

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What We Do

We help companies create marketing content that engages customers and provides competitive differentiation.

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Why We’re Different

We embody the three skills that are critical to creating powerful stories about a company’s business.

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What We Think

Superior business narratives—those that convert prospects to buyers—share eight common characteristics.

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Throughout history, stories or narratives have been used to inspire, inform, and entertain. A well-developed story, communicated effectively, has the power to reach and move people in ways few other modes of expression can. That’s true even—perhaps, especially—in a business setting. Stories that communicate the relevance of a company and its offerings to customers are more credible than typical marketing materials, are more effective in capturing customers’ attention, and are a key element of a stronger, more interesting customer experience. Great stories translate into stronger customer attraction and retention and, ultimately, greater revenue for the company.

As accomplished researchers, writers and communicators, the professionals at Corporate Narratives help companies fuel their content marketing initiatives with stories that engage rather than “sell to” customers, create sharp competitive differentiation, and increase sales.